External Community Group OX3 (Marston, Oxford)

External Community Group OX3 (Marston, Oxford)

Volunteer remotely
Marston Community Gardening was established in June 2018 with a view to supporting and fostering local engagement in gardening, planting, and related activities that support environmental and ecological sustainability and enhance community life.

Position details


Any Day

MCG mobilizes volunteers to participate in projects to plant and cultivate trees, hedges, fruit, vegetables and flowers in Marston’s green spaces, roadsides, schools and allotments for the benefit and well-being of local residents – humans and wildlife!

In addition, group members share materials and practical support for gardening. The group has more than 500 active members from all walks of life (including students and staff from local schools, Oxford University and Oxford Brookes University, and people of all professions) who get involved in various community projects. The group also works in collaboration with other local organisations such as Old Marston Parish Council, Oxford City Council, St Nicholas Primary School, New Marston Primary School, Court Place Farm Allotments, Oxford Farmhouse, Cutteslowe Park Horticultural Nursery, GoodGym, Friends of the Earth, Naturehood Marston, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, and others to implement green initiatives locally. In response to the growth in popularity of all these activities, a range of off-shoot local sub-groups have sprouted up under the broad umbrella of MCG including Marston Forest Garden, Marston Energy Club, MCG Refill Station at the Marston Community Hub, and the Marston Eco Group, comprising a sort of buzzing and growing Marston Hive.

MCG has received support and funding from Old Marston Parish Council, Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, Community Action Groups (CAG) Oxfordshire and B&Q.

MCG is a supporter of the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill and the CEE Bill Alliance Oxfordshire.

Contact details

Please email hello@marstoncommunitygardening.org.uk for further information