Team Wilder: Schools

Frames for Team Wilder
Team Wilder


Find out how your school can create a wilder world on your doorstep, with more nature everywhere in urban and rural areas. That is our bold vision for our three counties and we need you to be part of it.

Make your school a part of Team Wilder

We've got all the resources you need to make your school nature-friendly and enthuse young people to become the next generation of wildlife champions.

Five ways to be a part of Team Wilder

What can your school do to create a wilder future? By taking just one action for nature, no matter how small, you can make an impact and invite more wildlife back into our lives.

  • Find an unused patch in your school grounds and make a log pile – rotting wood is fantastic for minibeasts
  • Organise a litter pick in your local area – make sure you follow our safety tips here

  • Rewild your school lawn by leaving part of it unmown through the summer to help bees and other wildlife

  • Appoint class energy monitors who can make sure lights and appliances are turned off when not needed

  • Have a nature-themed bake sale to raise funds for your local Wildlife Trust

Mini wildlife pond activity sheet

Mini wildlife pond activity sheet from Wildlife Watch

Go wild at your school

Our Wildlife Watch website is full of great ideas for fun and educational activities that you can do at school, from instructions to make a mini wildlife pond to nature spotter sheets and even wildlife quizzes perfect for young, inquiring minds.

Find out more

Come and visit us!

We love having schools come to visit our education and visitor centres in all three counties: children can try activities like pond dipping, sweep netting and bug hunting while learning loads about the amazing natural world - then you can take some of our ideas back with you to make your school a wilder place, too.

Find out more about visiting us

Share your story

Tell us about the wonderful things your school is doing for wildlife, or make a pledge to take action in the future.

Add your school to our interactive map.

Want to know more?

If you would like more information about our schools programmes, or how your school can get involved with Team Wilder, get in touch with our friendly education team.

Berkshire education team

Buckinghamshire education team

Oxfordshire education team