Wild Parishes - Feedback

Please tick all that you attended live or viewed via the recording
6/8 - Planning with biodiversity and wildlife in mind
13/8 - Road verge and meadow management
20/8 - Hedgerow and woodland management
27/8 - Pond Management
3/9 - Engaging with your community
27/8 - Pond Management
How much did your knowledge and understanding of the subject increase from attending each webinar?
6/8 - Planning with biodiversity and wildlife in mind
13/8 - Road verge and meadow management
20/8 - Hedgerow and woodland management
27/8 - Pond Management
3/9 - Engaging with your community
How would you rate the series over all? (1 = poor, 5=excellent)
How far would you agree with the following statements? (1= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
We have learned about wildlife
The event increased our appreciation of wildlife
We've been inspired to take action for wildlife (we have identified actions we can take in the Parish for wildlife)
We would recommend this event to others
We would attend another BBOWT event