AGM 2021 Feedback

Thank you for attending BBOWT's 2021 Virtual AGM

We would welcome any feedback you have on the event.

About You
Have you been to a BBOWT AGM before?
How would you rate the following aspects of the AGM?
The overall event
Communication in the run up to the meeting
The technology e.g. easy of booking on, voting by proxy and asking a question
Other content e.g. videos
What did you think of going digital?
We are interested to know what your thoughts are about the format of our AGM being virtual this year. 
Would you attend another virtual AGM?
Did you also attend the afternoon session 'BBOWT's Plans for the Future'?
How would you rate the 'BBOWT's Plans for the Future' event?
Overall event
Other content e.g. presentations and videos